We're constantly cooking up different kinds of memberships to match every kind of creative adventure. As we grow, we keep adding more options to the mix. If you haven’t found your perfect match yet, just give us a shout. We're totally up for whipping up a custom solution just for you because, let’s face it, one size doesn’t fit all
Ability to rent visuals

Ability to rent visuals
Ability to buy visuals
All memberships include:
+ Unlimited downloads
+ High-res downloads
Frequently Asked Questions
how much do photos and videos cost?
At DTS, our pricing is simple and transparent. Both video clips (5-10 seconds) and photos are $179 each for an extended license. No hidden fees, just clear and consistent pricing.
Why does my brand need DTS?
Let's cut to the chase. The digital landscape? It's crowded and noisy. Standing out? Tougher than ever. But here's the thing: trends. They're game-changers. Our trend researchers and hunters pinpoint these goldmines, allowing us to produce content that's dialed into what's hot. The result? Your brand doesn't just blend in; it stands out and resonates deeply with your audience. That's the DTS edge. With us, navigating the cultural waves becomes a breeze, giving your brand the competitive edge it deserves
What can I do with DTS visuals?
You've got a lot of options! Think about giving your website a fresh look. Want a standout post on social media? You can do that. Running paid ads? No problem. For all your basic marketing and promotions, you're covered. And if you're feeling a bit bold, consider a TV commercial or outdoor advertising with an extended license. You have the freedom to choose.
What can I NOT do with DTS visuals?
Alright, let's chat about what you can't do with DTS visuals. Even though we give you a lot of creative freedom, there are a few no-nos:
- Don't claim our work as your own. That's just not cool.
- Our models can't endorse your products directly.
- Avoid photoshopping logos onto the clothes or gear our models use.
- And hey, let's keep the vibes positive online. We're all about positivity.
Some of these rules are in our legal guidelines (here), but some are just based on trust and good intentions. Let's keep the vibes positive.
Do I need to credit DTS or the creator?
In short, it's not required. Remember, you're paying for the right to use these images, so you're all good. However, if you're feeling generous and want to give a shoutout to DTS or link back to the source image, we'd truly appreciate it! We're always thrilled to see brands and creators using our visuals and making waves online. While we're here to back you up, always remember: your brand takes center stage.
Can I cancel anytime?
Absolutely. No strings attached!
What happens when I cancel my membership?
When you join with a small membership fee, you get access to over 8,000 visuals + 500 new ones every month. That's right, it's not pay-per-image; everything on our platform is yours to use. Unlimited and unfiltered. But here's the catch: if you decide to cancel, we do expect you to stop using those visuals. Remember, your membership is essentially 'renting' the rights to use our stuff. If you cancel, that rental period ends.
However, there's some good news for your existing posts. Any visuals you've already used in your social media posts? They can stay forever, as long as you credit @deathtostock. And for those images or videos you're especially attached to and want to use in future projects? We've got an option for you: you can buy out the license for those specific visuals. That way, they're yours to use forever. Read more here